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Hammurabi's low
(Mesopotamia, around 1700 BC)

§ 229
 If a builder build a house for some one,
and does not construct it properly,
and the house which he built fall in
and kill its owner, then that builder shall be put to death.

§ 232
   If it ruin goods,
he shall make compensation for all that has been ruined,
and in as much
as he did not construct properly this house
which he built and it fell,
he shall re-erect the house from his own means.

§ 233
   If a builder build a house for some one,
even though he has not yet completed it;
if then the walls seem toppling,the builder must make the walls solid from his own means.









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Napoleonic code (Code Civil)
(France, year 1804)

§ 1798
If the edifice, built at a let price,
perish in whole or in part
by defect in its construction,
even by defect in the foundation,
the architect and the contractor
are responsible therefore for ten.years.